We Found your Money

If our organization has contacted you, it's because we have found money that belongs to you or a relative.​

We are here to help you get it back!

Reuniting funds to their rightful owners

When a government or private agency is holding your funds, reach out to us.

We know how to get it back!

A professional Team

at your service

We are expert in surplus recovery claims.

Our team is made of a large network of recovery investigators and attorneys specialized in the field.

Our sole mission is to be at your service and help you recover your unclaimed funds.

The US has Billions Dollars of unclaimed funds !

Take back what is legitimately yours TODAY !

How it works

The Audit

We are constantly auditing many governmental agencies across the country to locate sums of money owed to private individuals and companies. If these funds go unclaimed for too long, they are usually lost to the government agency holding them.



The Connection

We will attempts to reach out the entitled party.

If you've received a phone call or a letter from us, understand we have located funds that we believe belong to you.

Please contact us by phone as soon as

possible so we can start your claim at

(770) 501-6770

The legal work and payment

Once you have spoken to one of our agents and verbally agreed to let us work your claim, we will set up a time for you to approve several pages of paperwork to allow us to get started.​

Our firm works on a contingent basis - there are NO out-of-pocket expenses to you. We're paid ONLY upon successful collection of your claim. We cover ALL expenses related to the claim until it is paid, and if the claim is unsuccessful you owe us nothing.​

After receiving our paperwork package, we will send a local notary to collect it from you and overnight it back to our office. Claims are usually processed in 3-4 months depending on the complexity of the case, and your share of the claim.

Typically after the legal fees and the leg work charges, you will receive 65-75% of the funds collected. They will be remitted to you within 30 days of receipt in the payment form you have selected.


The clock is ticking ...

RiverView Assets Recovery Group @2022

Terms and conditions

FREE claim Check