We audit different government and private agencies on a regular basis. Our goal is to locate any unclaimed funds due to citizens like yourself.
We usually locate our clients by doing internet searches. We sometimes use third party agencies as well. Like a good investigator, we try to exhaust all channel to make sure we can let know people like you that their funds still available.
Because this is a legal matter, we can not disclose the fruit of our research plainly. However once you have approved our contingency fee agreement, we'll be happy to discuss with you the specifics of your case and where the funds have been located!
To make it easy for you, our client, we work on contingency. In other words you will NOT have to pay us any fee UPFRONT.
We will only charge a small percentage fee when we have been successful recovering your funds. So nothing to loose to work with us.
Many tried to bypas our service and file their claim themselves or using non specialized legal teams. While some where successful, it wasn't without pain and struggles if not completely failing at their claim. Let's do it once and let's do it RIGHT. We are expert in this subject matter. Using our legal team and organization will save so much time, pain and headaches. But more importantly dramatically increase your claim success rate.